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Das Lucky 38 ist ein Casino, dass dem Stratosphere nachempfunden ist. Das Gebäude befindet sich, im Besitz von Mr. House. Das Lucky 38 kann in den Besitz des Kuriers übergehen, wenn dieser sich entscheidet mit Ja-Sager zusammenzuarbeiten. Das Lucky 38 wird stark von Mr. Houses Sekuritrons bewacht. Der Kurier ist der erste Mensch, der seit ungefähr 200 Jahren das Lucky 38 betreten hat.

Geschichte und Hintergrund

The most prominent element of the New Vegas skyline, the Lucky 38 is a pre-War relic and an enduring monument to Mr. House's vision of Las Vegas: luxury without decadence, refinement without elitism, class without snobbery. But to assume that it was just a casino is erroneous, as in the years leading up to the war, Robert House thoroughly modified the building in preparation for the upcoming nuclear war. Accurate long range laser cannons linked to the massive processing centers inside were installed on top of the tower to defend the Mojave against nuclear warheads. A massive underground storage facility for Sekuritrons was built into the foundations. But the greatest marvel was the reason behind Mr House's withdrawal from society: a preservation chamber built into the core of the penthouse floor, where the potentate sacrificed his mortal shell in return for immortality. Wired into the Lucky 38's mainframe and its power core, House was ready to face the coming apocalypse, save for one last item: an OS upgrade for the Lucky 38 contained on the platinum chip.

The chip never arrived. Forced to work with an inferior OS, Mr House nevertheless managed to destroy a majority of the warheads aimed at the Mojave, but eventually suffered a critical system crash and was forced into a coma. The Lucky 38 fell silent and for nearly two centuries lay dormant amidst Vegas ruins. Only the odd Securitron, controlled by Mr House after he awoke in 2130, left the premises occasionally to survey the wasteland and bring news of the developments.

The tower came to life in 2274, as Securitron agents detected NCR scouts at Hoover Dam. An army of Securitrons poured out of the Lucky 38, quickly destroying hostile tribals on the Strip and securing the location. Mr House then struck a deal with the three largest tribes, providing them with clothes, tools and supplies from stockpiles in the Lucky 38 in return for renovating the city and preparing for the arrival of the NCR. The Lucky 38 once again became a symbol of New Vegas, as the domain of its mysterious leader. No one set foot inside the tower ever since.

As of 2281, the Lucky 38 remains closed. No one knows what is inside.



Innerhalb des Hauseingangs ist der Kasino-Vorraum, mit Spieltischen und Spielautomaten, mit denen nicht gespielt werden kann. Auf der linken Seite ist das leere Zimmer des Kassierers. Die vielen Pistolen-Kabinette innerhalb sind sichere Lagerung, die eine Alternative zur Lagerung im Präsidentengefolge zur Verfügung stellen (da Ihre Begleiter Sachen von denjenigen nehmen werden). Über dem Zimmer des Kassierers ist eine VIP Lounge, wo ein Terminal gefunden werden kann, dass bei der Quest The Moon Comes Over the Tower verwendet wird.


Hauptartikel: Lucky 38 penthouse

The penthouse is the highest level of the Lucky 38. Companions are not allowed inside, as with the cocktail lounge. Mr. House's control center is located here, down the stairs to the left of the elevator. Jane is right in front of the elevator, waiting to accept any snowglobes you've found. To the right is a bedroom. The shelves are stocked with numerous pre-War books.

Unlike the cocktail lounge, there is a wall which prevents people from circling the entire room; this conceals the elevator to the control room. A terminal to open it is to the left of House's control center, which requires either a Science skill of 75, the Platinum Chip, or the Lucky 38 VIP keycard to operate. Inside are two Securitrons which will be hostile, since using the terminal turns all the Securitrons against you.

Presidential suite

Hauptartikel: Lucky 38 presidential suite

The Presidential Suite is made available to you as soon as you've spoken with House the first time. It's fairly spacious, consisting of five rooms. There is the master bedroom (this holds your owned bed), the guest bedroom (the two beds here are not owned), the kitchen and dining room, the study, and the bathroom (which has clean water). The fridge has some food in it, and various drinks are present. All of the storage within is safe. Through a terminal to the left of the master bedroom, additional storage can be purchased, as well as a workbench.

The Presidential Suite will become your base of operations, since all inactive companions can be sent there in lieu of their original homes. Idle companions will wander around, talk to each other, and occasionally sit in the chairs or sleep. Most notably, however, they will help themselves to anything you leave inside, so long as the items aren't considered stolen and you're in the suite to see them do it. This includes taking items from containers. This is usually limited to food and drink, but they may also take weapons.

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  • Schneekugel - hinter einer der Registrierkassen in der Cocktail-Lounge, an einem Bäumchen befindet sie sich
  • Plasma-Defender - in einem durchschnittlich verschlossenen Safe
  • A hoard of chems, Vorkriegsgeld and other valuables in the cashier's office.
  • An Extremely large amount of Alcohol, as well as one of the greatest sources of absinthe in the game (next to the Atomic Wrangler), on the center shelves of the cocktail lounge.
  • Goldene Handschuhe - einzigartige Boxhandschuhe, auf einem Regal hinter der Bar - at the VIP section, near the access point terminal.
  • 2x Boxing Times - one at the VIP section, near the access point terminal, sitting behind the Goldene Handschuhe, and the other on a table in the cocktail lounge.
  • 2x Future Weapons Today - one in the games room of the presidential suite, and the other on a table in the cocktail lounge.
  • 2x Today's Physician - in dem Badezimmer und master bedroom of the presidential suite.
  • 1x Wahre Polizeigeschichten - auf einem Tisch in der Cocktail-Lounge.
  • 2x Jake Juice – on a table in the presidential suite.
  • 1x Magazin Waffenlos
  • 1x Magazin für kritische Treffer
  • 1x Magazin für Waffenlos und eins für Schusswaffen
  • 3x C4 Plastiksprengstoff
  • 9mm Pistole
  • 9mm Maschinenpistole
  • Fernglas

